The Stereoscopic is so cool using my Virtual i-o glasses. I couldn't get Winquake to work, but Quake 1.08 with the nuvfrag utility did the trick. The problems I had with Winquake was that it would split the image to the top and bottom of the screen, or with some of the other command switches I couldn't get the resolution to go below my lowest desk top resolution of 640X480. This may of been because of my video card STB Trio 64V+ or just because of my lack of knowledge on controlling my Windows drivers. The i-glasses resolution is slightly below the 640X480 resolution. Anything above the i-glasses max resolution results in a blank or static flickering screen. The best setting I found after a lot of trial and error for my i-glasses are: LCD_X .9 LCD_YAW .3 I arrived at these settings by the following method: METHOD FOR ADJUSTING LCD_X AND LCD_YAW ------------------------------ NOTES: The LCD_X mainly adjust the view close to you, like your weapon in the foreground of Quake. The LCD_YAW mainly adjust the view in the distance. This method should work equally for all 3-D glasses, both the dual LCD display type and the LCD shutter type. 1. Type in LCD_YAW 0 so the yaw will not effect this adjustment. Adjust the LCD_X till the weapon in the foreground is as clear and sharp as you can get it. Also use decimal places in the tenths, and + or - to reverse the stereo view. Write down this value for use in step 3. Don't forget the space between the LCD_X command and the number you are using. 2. Find a narrow pole in Quake (make sure you find one that you can back up far away from) and place the pole in the center of your view. Back up in the game as far as you can with out the graphics of the pole getting too choppy. Now we are going to determine if you need to use a positive or negative value for the LCD_YAW command. Type in LCD_YAW 1 and note the effects, then type in LCD_YAW -1 and note the effects. The one that makes you have sever eye strain is the one you don't want to use. If you couldn't tell any difference, try using a higher number like 2 and -2. Now take off your 3-D gasses while making the following adjustments to the LCD_YAW command. Start with a setting of 1 or higher so you can see the effects it has on the pole in the distance. Now enter values less than one using values in the tenths place like .9, .8, .7, .6, etc. You should start to notice the two images of the poles in the distant coming together. Continue adding lower values until the two images of the poles almost become one image, but don't make them become one image. Make it so it looks like a double over-lapping image. Write down this value for later use in step 4. Now place your 3-D glasses back on. 3. Now the LCD_X command has to be readjusted because the LCD_YAW command has effected our previous adjustment. Using the previous LCD_X value obtained from step 1, start changing this value up or down in .1 increments until the weapon in the foreground of Quake is sharp and clear again. 4. Take off your 3-D glasses again and readjust the LCD_YAW command if necessary. Using the value obtained in step 2, changing this value up or down in .1 increments untill the two images of the poles almost become one image, but don't make them become one image. Make it so it looks like a double over-lapping image. Your stereoscopic view should now start to really look good up close and in the distance. 5. For those with a lot of patience and a good eye keep going back and forth between the LCD_X command and the LCD_YAW command until you can't get the view any better, and start using values in the hundredths place. Good Luck! ------------------------------------------------------ Using the Space Orb 360 control with Winquake or Nuvfrag and Quake 1.08 Find the file QUAKE.BAT in the C:\xxxxxxxx\SPCWARE\SPACEORB\GAMES directory and open it using NotePad. Substitute the C:\XXXXXX with the drive and directory on your computer. On the line that says: C:\XXXXXXXXX\SPCWARE\SPACEORB\GAMES\spwquake.exe -exe quake.exe -dir C:\GAMES\QUAKE Change it to this for Quake 1.08 using the Nuvfrag utility: C:\XXXXXXXXXXXX\SPCWARE\SPACEORB\GAMES\spwquake.exe -exe nuvfrag.exe -dir C:\GAMES\QUAKE Change it to this to use Winquake: C:\XXXXXXXXXX\SPCWARE\SPACEORB\GAMES\spwquake.exe -exe winquake.exe -dir C:\GAMES\QUAKE Williams Ferguson