Updated Aug 30, 1998
I'm collecting links, tips and files for discontinued systems on this
NEW: CyberMaxx
added to this website.
German CyberMaxx
Fan-page open.
i-glasses headtracking
hints by Maarten van Grinsven
Jimmy Chu
offers free webspace for i-glasses drivers and patches, because they seem
to be nowhere on the web. Please hand drivers and stuff over to him for
publication. He got nothing so far, not even basic drivers.
and More - worldwide VR Gear distributor offers free
CyberMaxx 2.0 Drivers and Patches. Just
go there and ask them by email. (Thanks to Armand
W. Bastien of Computers and More.)
I just received a note which might indicate a comeback for the i-glasses:
to this information Ilixco and Virtural
Research will take over after the demise of Virtual i-O. (Thanks
to Donald Sawdai and Ken
Virtual Video sells all replacement parts & software for the i-glasses
(except the display itself) including the CD with drivers and games (for
$30). See http://www.3dvideo.com
for details. (Thanks to Carl Donath.)
There was a 3D-game called "Ascent" (rockjump over lava) for i-glasses
on the VIO page. It's on the CD mentioned above, but is it still out there
for download somewhere?
Users of the discontinued Chinon CyberShades can be happy. There
are other similar systems which are still supported. LCD-BIOS, NuvFrag
and WinSPEX do work on the CyberShades. Check the 3D-driver page.
THANKS to all contributors.
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