Dec. 3, 1999: Tetratel News
Actual statements by Tetratel on the latest proceedings:
$29.95 PC-Glasses available now:
"Tetratel (manufacturer) and Apec (Glasses and case) are the suppliers to ISee3D (http://www.isee3d.com) for on-line stereoscopic video streaming. Live streaming is to include racing, extreme sports and more.."
Patent issue:
"Tetratel developed the line blanking technology (on our own brains, cost and efforts) in 1996. It was sold as "Maxim-Eyes" until 1997. A Patent in the USA was filed in 1997 as a provisional patent. The patent was amended in 1998. A patent was also filed in Canada (1998) at the same time the full USA patent was filed."
"Woobo and Tetratel are in friendly discussions regarding our patent rights."
"What i-art may or may not consider legal is not what we consider legal and we
will defend our rights as required (In North America)."
Flicker free stereo TV
"Tetratel has developed a wireless, LCD, flicker free TV system which is expected to be on the market in early spring. This is above and beyond the flicker reduction technology we developed in spring of this year."
Thanks to Tetratel for keeping me updated