Message from DTI:
CompUSA is testing the unique DTI 2D/3D switchable LCD displays in ten of its top stores across the US, plus its company web site. The stores are in Bellevue and Tukwila WA (Seattle), Las Vegas, San Diego, Miami (two stores) and Ft. Lauderdale, Garden City NY (Manhattan), Columbia MD (Baltimore/Washington), and Plano TX (Dallas). Those locations are being stocked now and displays will be available in the stores starting November 21.
This is a great opportunity for all who live within driving distance of one of these CompUSA stores to see the DTI 2D/3D Display in action. Both 15" and 18.1" models will be demonstrated. Please encourage your friends and family to visit their CompUSA store and check out the DTI Displays. And we would love some feedback on the experience in the stores.
If you're not near one of these stores, visit the CompUSA web site (www.compusa.com) for more information and to order directly off their site. Just click on the DTI button at the bottom of their home page and it will take you directly to the DTI information and ordering page.
And by the way, DTI 2D/3D Displays make terrific holiday gifts. Or just buy one for yourself!
Thanks for your support and encouragement. We appreciate it.
Arnie Lagergren, President
And the rest of the DTI family