The unofficial Another EYE 2000 page
by Christoph Bungertpage initialy released on Nov. 05 , 2000
Best compatibility ever! Coolest design ever!
The Another Eye2000 by Another World, Inc. is a wired 3D-shutterglasses system for real 3D visuals on a standard tube monitor.
For the past 4 years I was begging the 3D-industry to come up with a system which not only supports all imaginable 3D-formats (like H3D or Eye3D-4-in-1), but also gives the user full manual control over all modes. Only full manual control guarantees 100% comatibility to all 3D-drivers, native 3D-programs and 3D-content (such as images and videos). It's also the only way to get a system working under non-Windows operating systems.
The new Another Eye2000 is the first commercial product which has the controller-features demanded by The functions are controlled by a remote in the glasses-cable. The comfort and ease of use is just great compared to most other products.
This doesn't mean the E2000 has no problems. Like any system it has it's drawsbacks.
The glasses are hard to use over prescribed glasses. The Another Eye2000 press themselves against the temples. The bows of any prescribed glasses are in the way. The shutterglasses must be placed above the bows of the prescribed glasses. It's somewhat difficult to allign the glasses and the shutterglasses in this situation. The pressure on the temples is quite soft, but over time it may cause discomfort.
The quality of synchronization my test sample shows is average and could be better. It seems to be somewhere between the good ones (NuVision 60GX, StereoGraphics EPC2) and the bad ones (ASUS, ELSA Revelator). Inaccuracies in synchronization may appear as darker stripes on top or bottom of the screen, uneven distribution of brightness over the screen or perceivable flicker even at high refresh. The effect varies with graphics mode, refresh, vga-board, monitor, cabling and may even spread within the same controller model line.
For more pro and con check the Pro & Con table below.
Despite any problems the unprecedented compatibility and the ultra-cool design should be too much for anyone to resist. In any case it beats it's predecessor, the wireless Another I's
There should be a distributor on the US-market soon.
Other regions are currently served directly by the manufacturer
You may contact paulhan@anotherworld.toGerman distributor:
This short review isn't intended for beginners,
since terms like line-blanking or sync-doubling
aren't explained here.Please check
the gaming basics,
the FAQ,
the basics,
the formats,
the indexYou can also post questions to the webboard.
photo provided by Another World, Inc.
click here for gorgeous hi-res version of image
Pro Con glasses: + ultracool innovative design
+ light
+ fits and feels good when used without prescribed glasses
+ large, clear and distortion free LCD-panels
+ panels can be flipped to the side without removing the glasses from the head
+ no pressure on nose
+ most flexible and compatible controller imaginable
+ compatible to everything now and forever
+ full manual control
+ cable remote provides total comfort
+ no trigger, no color codes, no bullshit
+ compatible to any stereo-driver, stereo-software or stereo-content including Wicked3D, Revelator and ASUS drivers
+ autosync for page-flipping and interlace
+ sync-doubler
+ line-blanker
+ no external power-source or batteries required
+ supports high resolutions and refresh ratessoftware:
+ comes with Wicked3D universal game driver, image viewer, image creator, sample images, video viewer (alternate line), VRML97-plug-in
+ informative printed manual
glasses: - difficult to use with prescribed glasses
- no standard connector
- a little pressure on the temples (dt.: Schläfe)
- somewhat difficult to adjust
- may slip if your head is smallcontroller:
- the quality of synchronization is somewhere between the good ones (NuVision, StereoGraphics) and the bad ones (ASUS, ELSA)
- requires PS/2 keyboard power
- no standard connectors for 3rd party glasses
- no connector for 2nd pair of glasses
How to use Eye2000 with ELSA Revelator drivers
(for ELSA and NVidia powered boards only)- Switch on
- Choose stereo orientation with button RHow to use Eye2000 with ASUS drivers
(for ASUS boards only)- Switch on
- Choose stereo orientation with button R
photo provided by Another World, Inc.
click here for gorgeous hi-res version of image
The lower part not only looks like a walkman headphone, it's adjustable in the same way.
It slides and bends!
I wouldn't overdo this though, since there are tiny wires moving inside the bows, which may wear out over time.
The proprietary cable for the glasses. Mini DIN-8 to 2.5 mm
The power cable draws power from a PS/2 type pass-through keyboard connector
This remote in the glasses-cable gives you unprecedented,
god-like powers in the stereo3d-world.
There's an on/off switch,
a reverse button and
a magnificent MODE button to choose between
autosync --> line-blank --> sync-double
That's all you'll ever need.
The VGA-pass-through controller syncs to any page-flipping or interlace signal and also provides line-blanking and sync-doubling.
I pushed it up to 1280x1024@75Hz line-blanking and
1280x1024@75/150Hz sync-doubling.
No problems!
VGA output, glasses&remote-output, power-input
The CD: Metabyte Wicked3D driver, image tools, video player, VRML97 plug-in
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