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Controller Comparison Chart
page introduced in 1997
last update: November 21, 1998
Controller Type Example pic Products Capability (+) Pro (-) Con
External or internal Sync Doubler
Neotek Model SS
professional products by Stereographics, Neotek, NuVision and others, 
some pro-graphics boards & workstations 
turns split screen into kind of page- flipping stereo-orientation remains stable,  
perfect compatibility to any graphics hardware, 100% VGA-chipset independent, NO driver software required, high refresh rates by default, easy setup, lots of prof. software, standard video codec (mpeg, avi,...) compatible
expensive (H3D is an exception),  
lack of split screen consumer software (H3D might change that), always half resolution,  
some lines are lost for the retrace gap,  
pass-through-cable might deteriorate VGA-signal (*)
VGA-pass-through with general V-sync detection
i-Art Virtual Eyes
Cyberstuff Cyber3DVisor(?), 
Homebrew VGA-PT
syncs to all interlace and page-flipping screens almost perfect hard- and software compatibility, easy setup, stereo reverse button, Windows support, little impact on CPU stereo- orientation can flip very often in some cases, orientation has to be set manually each time, drivers required, pass-through-cable might deteriorate VGA-signal (*)
VGA-pass-through with general V-sync detection and line-blanker
CyberboyII (?)
syncs to all interlace and page-flipping screens, creates artificial interlace on any graphics board  perfect hardware- and almost perfect software compatibility, easy setup, stereo reverse button, Windows support, little impact on CPU, no drivers required stereo- orientation can flip very often in some cases, orientation has to be set manually each time, pass-through-cable might deteriorate VGA-signal (*)
VGA-pass-through with tweaked V-sync detection
VRex VRSurfer syncs to all interlace signals, (page-flipping limited) stereo-orientation remains stable,  
auto-shut-off, high refresh rates easy to achieve, Windows support, reverse button, good software compatibility (next to VGA-pass-through), little impact on CPU, good results even on low-end monitors
VGA chipset dependend driver, no Rendition, 3DFX or other newer chipsets  supported, limited page-flipping support,  no line doubling, pass-through-cable might deteriorate VGA-signal (*)
VGA-pass-through with sync detection,  sync doubler and line blanker (synthetic interlace), controled by proprietary code pattern 
H3D Eyewear turns split screen into page-flipping, turns standard into "synthetic interlace", syncs to page-flipping  stereo-orientation remains stable, perfect compatibility to any graphics hardware, 100% VGA-chipset independent, NO driver software required, combines the advantages of sync doubler and  sync detection controllers (except for software compatibility), unique "synthetic interlace", easy setup when used with native software  no backward software compatibility whatsoever, no  support for non-H3D-certified software, requires H3D code pattern, no manual overrides, pass-through-box might deteriorate VGA-signal (*)
VGA-pass-through with White Line Code detection
Stereographics-SimulEyes, miro-3D-fanatix syncs to all interlace and page-flipping signals as long as White Line Code is present stereo-orientation remains stable,  
easy setup, no stereo reverse needed, Windows support, little impact on CPU 
works with proprietary software only, WLC must stay on the screen all the time, pass-through-cable might deteriorate VGA-signal (*)
serial/parallel port Nuvision-3D-SPEX, Woobo-Cyberboy, APEC-Virtual Visor, 3DTV-3D-Magic, Chinon-Cybershades,  
syncs to page-flipping, requires  control software stereo-orientation remains stable,  
no pass-through cable in the way of the VGA-signal  
[3D-SPEX supports Windows (not on Cyrix machines) and most DOS software, Cyberboy hasa stereo reverse button]  
synchronization must be achieved by software, possible sync errors, impact on CPU, no interlace mode support, no Windows support (except limited support for 3D-SPEX & compatibles --WinSPEX !!!!), one serial or parallel port used (some products have a pass-through parallel solution)
3D-Max ISA card/on-board controller Kasan-3D-Max, Kasan VGA cards with on-board controller,  
(Russian Shield Stereo Set?) 
syncs to Interlace, must be invoked by software stereo-orientation remains stable,  
high refresh rates easy to achieve, Windows support, good software compatibility (next to VGA-pass-through, even better in some rare cases), little impact on CPU, good results even on low-end monitors
VGA chipset dependend driver, no Matrox, Rendition, 3DFX or other new chipsets  supported, no page-flipping support (?), eats up an ISA slot, no line doubling, pass-through-cable might deteriorate VGA-signal (*)
(Canopus T3D) on-board controller Canopus Total 3D syncs to RAM-DAC (page-flipping) stereo-orientation remains stable (?), no pass-through cable in the way of the VGA-signal limited software compatibility (???), no interlace mode support, no Windows support (?)
(VESA) miniDIN-3 on-board connector (additional external controller circuitry required) Glasses: StereoGraphics CrystalEyes, Z-Screen; 
VGA-boards: Hercules Thriller, Hercules Stingray 128, Diamond Fire GL 1000 pro, dsystems GLadiator and more
syncs to RAM-DAC (page-flipping)  professional solution, standard of the future, stereo-orientation remains stable, no impact on CPU time, no pass-through cable in the way of the VGA-signal not much consumer software support yet, no consumer glasses yet, doesn't drive glasses directly - additional controller circuitry required 
 (*) The "pass-through-cable might deteriorate VGA-signal" - argument applies to power users who might be concerned about VGA-signal quality at high frequencies. Some people complained about signal quality losses in conjuction with 3DFX add-on boards, like the Monster. If you're using such a board AND some VGA-pass-through glasses there are TWO dongles in a row which can't be healthy to the signal. You won't notice this while playing, but a hi-res Windows-desktop might loose sharpness.

The serial/parallel port controllers don't look that good here, but  Nuvision proved, by releasing WinSPEX and NuvFrag for 3D-SPEX , that a parallel (or serial) port device can achieve most of the things a VGA-pass-through controller can do, as long as the driver support is right. - It's all about software guys! Some companies don't look good when it comes to software support.
There's another advantage of ser/par controllers. The stereo-orientation is rock solid and you don't need to use a stereo reverse button all the time.
The upcoming SSDI universal driver will add windows support to all serial/parallel devices - hopefully.
There's no doubt however that VGA-pass-through controllers are easier to handle when it comes to driver tweaking.

To get a Shutterglasses system to work certain things have to be achieved. The number of steps depends on the controller used.

There are 3 steps - basically:

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