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June 25, 2000: They did it! ASUS Direct3D-stereo-driver breakthrough! (New: review updated July 5)
June 24, 2000: i-glasses H3D Terminator 3D press release in ms-word format (6 kB).
Like Eye3D the Terminator game system utilizes the Metabyte Wicked3D eyeSCREAM drivers (sync-doubler technology).
A review here at is planned.
June 24, 2000: At 3-Qubed in Texas you can now order the famous Eye3D 4-in-1 within the USA !!!
June 24, 2000: For VFX-3D info and shopping in Germany try the new german portal
In the UK you may check out
June 12, 2000: i-Art releases stereo-ready version of PowerDVD, along with 3D-DVD demo. The player provides Eye3D-line-code. The format used is sync-doubling (over/under). The first regular titles will be educational, but i-Art looks for partners to release other contents as well. The company also offers 3D-video to DVD transfer services.
June 12, 2000: The future of Eye3D revealed. Check out the i-Art roadmap covering new glasses technology, PC, DVD, CAVE and more in Excel format.
June 2, 2000: APEC 2nd generation glasses at COMPUTEX. ASUS shows wireless version
June 2, 2000: In case you're looking for some rare headsets. Mindflux still has supplies of Sony Glasstron LDI-100BE and PLM-S700E, both in PAL and some limited supplies of Daeyang Cy-Visors.
June 2, 2000: i-Art released an extensive FAQ for the Eye3D glasses and software with screenshots. Download here ( 325 kB zip, MSWord format )
May 20, 2000: is a new commericial website about HDTV and 3D. It's in an early stage of development, but you may take a look. There's an offer for a new low-cost polarizer technology for the PC, as well as a new twist on anaglyph.
May 20, 2000: The successor to the i-Art Eye3D as shown on this years CeBIT should be available by the end of July
May 20, 2000: The ASUS GeForce2 board will be called V7700 and the Deluxe-version should have all the features of it's predecessors, i.e. dedicated 3D-glasses connector, glasses and stereo-driver for DirectX and OpenGL.
April 24, 2000: Glasstron-based Cybermind hi-Res800 HMD and PLM-S700E-distribution continued despite Sony leaving the market
i-glasses H3D Terminator 3D wiredApril 8, 2000: i-glasses unleashes next generation of H3D shutterglasses. Comes in wired and wireless versions. 'Terminator 3D' model features Wicked3D game drivers. 'Internet 3D' model comes without the hard-to-get game driver CD. Guess which model I'd recommend - D'oh!
April 8, 2000: Page-Flipping-Version of VRCaddy (universal stereo3d game driver) released ### for registered VR-JOy users only ### new version supports most chipsets by NVidia, 3dfx, S3, Matrox and ATI ### GeForce and Voodoo3 currently limited to line-blanker mode ### check the official VRCaddy page ### also check my unofficial VR-Joy page
April 8, 2000: VR-Worlds site targets stereoscopic3D rendering with Mesa3D/OpenGL under LINUX.
April 8, 2000: ISee3D press release on success of recent stereo3d internet broadcast in PDF format
April 8, 2000: Modified version of i-Art Eye3D on sale now
April 8, 2000: Stereoscopic Vision for the Blind
March 18, 2000: New Name - New Version. Win3D is now WINx3D. Download the new improved version of the stereoscopic library now at Win3D.
March 18, 2000: Brightland, the software pioneer behind H3D-Quake & H3D-View, prepares 'Amazing Curves(TM)' a racing simulation which uses new software technologies, like smooth, non-polygon based terrain rendering.
March 03, 2000: Sports Illustrated SwimSuit 2000: 3D-pics available printed and online
March 03, 2000: i-Art Eye3D: The next generation revealed
March 03, 2000: VFX3D - First test drive
March 03, 2000: S3/Diamond Monster Shades glasses definetely cancelled. No plans for any glasses by Diamond in the forseable future.
March 03, 2000: i-Art website: Eye3D-driver v3.5 beta released - the first time the i-Art website is ahead of the Wicked3D site here
March 03, 2000: VFX3D - Launcher 1.60 released, now covers 33 titles, almost all with stereo and tracking
March 03, 2000: Eiki demonstrates stereoscopic back-projection
March 03, 2000: BARCO continues to offer low-ghosting CRT-projectors for shutterglasses. No plans for 3D on DLP at BARCO and Davis.
March 03, 2000: D4D autostereo-monitor: best 3D ever and you can actually buy it
March 03, 2000: VRCaddy: Page-Flipping works - wrapper doesn't replace original VGA-driver
March 03, 2000: CyVisor rumours were right: 800x600 HMD for US$ 800
Top 10
Feb. 27, 2000: Ever wondered how this site performs?
Feb. 25, 2000: Here's a nice new page I worked on for some time. Enjoy!
Feb. 23, 2000: Generic ELSA Revelator driver for non-ELSA GeForce boards released +++ supports D3D on GeForce +++ supports D3D & OpenGL on TNT/TNT2/M64 +++ supports D3D in a window +++ Download_Driver +++ Download_Viewer_(required) +++ More Info & First Impressions+++
Feb. 22, 2000: New VRStandard VR-Joy: wireless glasses and page-flipping-version of VRCaddy (beta) at CeBIT
Feb. 20, 2000: New ASUS software-technologies at CeBIT: +++ Stereo3D in a window +++ Stereoscopic3D-VRML, -Webbrowsing, -Applications +++ New compression technology turns existing ASUS-boards into full-blown hi-res digital VCR with time-shift capabilities
Feb. 20, 2000: c't 4/2000 features a 4-page article about microdisplay technology for HMD's by Ulrike Kuhlmann (in german). The article mentioned this important microdisplay link:
Feb. 19, 2000: Review: Leadtek WinFast VR300/Joytech Apollo 3DVR board with 3D-connector & glasses
Feb. 19, 2000: Press release: Cybertronics Signs Deal with I-O Display Systems - New CyberVisor X
Feb. 19, 2000: How to add stereo 3D to OpenGL applications - source code available at Michal's site
Feb. 19, 2000: Latest beta of the universal digital stereo-video player available at Michal's site
Feb. 12, 2000: ASUS boards added to the Best Buy page
Feb. 12, 2000: Space Shuttle Endeavour just turned into giant Radar-Stereoscope!
Feb. 12, 2000: NuView vs. 3D-cam comparison by NuView-manufacturer 3-D Video Inc. (may be biased) - external link
Feb. 05, 2000: Wicked3D eyeSCREAM v3.02 released - some bugfixes plus GeForce DDR support
Feb. 05, 2000: Wicked3D drivers and compatible hardware now also available from
Feb. 05, 2000: New version of 3DEM - stereoscopic landscape renderer & realtime animator
Feb. 05, 2000:
i-Art i-MagicPrint - do it yourself - lenticular print kit for true stand-alone 3D & animation on a piece of cardboard and plastic
Feb. 05, 2000: What good is this man now?
Feb. 05, 2000: Introducing Lantor LTD. - specialists in lenticular lens products
Feb. 01, 2000: VFX-3D press release
Jan. 29, 2000: More on 3D-CAM
Jan. 29, 2000: VRJoy2000 approaching! - 3 designs to choose from, including wireless
Jan. 29, 2000: ISee3D single lens 3D camera technology press release
Jan. 20, 2000: eyeSCREAM driver 3.01 beta released +++ now supports GeForce +++ 3dfx & Quake3 issues fixed
Jan. 16, 2000: New page: A Chronology of Reviews - which I hope will put things into perspective
Jan. 14, 2000: Top-Game deals for VR-Joy buyers and registered owners! Two games for FREE!
Jan. 14, 2000: New APEC ultra-lightweight foldable glasses
Jan. 14, 2000: Official ASOL/WASOL 3D-Cam website can be found here:
Jan. 11, 2000: New low-cost 3D-camcorder add-on
Jan. 11, 2000: Hi-Res shot of the VFX-3D - Enjoy
Jan. 9, 2000: Brightland's R4D brings the power of Real-Time 3D to the Web and ActiveX aware applications
Jan. 9, 2000: 3-D GOES INTO OVERDRIVE with fully stereoscopic computer graphics by Boris Starosta
Jan. 1, 2000: 3DTV Corp. of Tokio to produce 3D-television and 3D-DVD's this year
Michael Starks of 3DTV Corp. will act as a technical director in Tokio. The usual 3DTV Corp. business in USA will go on.
Jan. 1, 2000: Let's make things Bigger - New large screen LCD-technology - Philips plans 100cm-diameter monitor for less than $2000
Jan. 1, 2000: VFX-3D ready to ship
A Happy New Year to anyone in the western civilization.
A Happy New Year to anyone who has been overrun by western civilization.
A Happy Day to the gazillion people who use a different calendar.
A Happy Judgement Day to esoterics, fundamentalists and sectarians.
A Happy Whatever to those "Y2K-experts" who digged-in themselves in the desert with their families, supplies, weapons and booby traps.
Dec. 31, 1999: New Leadtek medium-priced gfx-board with stereo-connector, stereo-D3D driver and 3D-glasses
Dec. 28, 1999: ASUS stereo video player full-resolution support
The actual digitizing resolution of the ASUS stereo video player is 720x288 per field in PAL-mode. So the resolution given in the player display and the zoom factor of 1x was misleading (see earlier message). This is consistent with my experiences. The image looks better than 352.
Dec. 28, 1999: IMAX-3D review by Michael Starks of 3DTV Corp.
Dec. 28, 1999: ASUS V6600 featuring GeForce - Good Stereo-OpenGL driver
Dec. 28, 1999: Stereo-MPEG-movie-player-beta available - Supports all types of glasses & helmets
Dec. 25, 1999: Merry Christmas
Dec. 18, 1999: ASUS first to support Stereoscopic-OpenGL gaming on GeForce
Dec. 18, 1999: Eye3D review in c't 26/99
German readers may like to take a look on my Eye3D review in the latest issue of c't - magazin für computertechnik.
Dec. 18, 1999: ASUS StereoMovie Player - 3D-Video with PC-shutterglasses
Dec. 18, 1999: ELSA Revelator native OpenGL stereo support - beta released
Dec. 18, 1999: Eye3D driver 2.61 and Activator 2.0 available
Dec. 18, 1999: VR-distributor 'Computers and More' changed it's name to 'Virtual Realities'
They distribute all kinds of VR-stuff - glasses, helmets, gloves, input deviced, force-feedback, software...
The new address is
Dec. 14, 1999: ASUS StereoMovie Player and native Stereo-OpenGL support available for download
Dec. 14, 1999: More Tetratel News
Tetratel EyeFX 3-D Decoder (universal D3D-Stereo-Driver)
Tetratel 3D DVD player
Dec. 6, 1999: 3D Gaming Basics Page
I've put up a new page for beginners. Also contains the ultimate Game Driver Compatibility Chart.
Dec. 3, 1999: Tetratel News
- $29.95 PC-Glasses available now
- Patent issue
- Flicker free stereo TV
Dec. 2, 1999: i-Art Eye3D 4-in-1 now available in USA
Nov. 24, 1999: Official i-Art page in german language
i-Art Technology (Europe) GmbH, Germany opened an official website in german at
Nov. 13, 1999: Polarized stereo prints and transparencies
Nov. 13, 1999: Commercial german Eye3D pageThere's now a commercial german website dedicated to i-Art Eye3D:
Nov. 13, 1999: ASUS VR Library SDK available for free
Earlier News: 2nd Half of 1999
1st Half of 1999
2nd Half of 1998
1st Half of 1998